Class Content

Swift Topics

Introduction to the Swift Briefly introduction to the Swift language and how to decalare variables in Swift. Keynote Slides
Variables, Types, and Functions Introduce common programming concept with Swift Keynote Slides Playground: Swift-Introduction-Lite Practice: Oven Panel.playground Blog post: Argument Labels in functions
Control Flows and Optionals Introduce common programming concept with Swift Keynote Slides Playground: Swift-Introduction-Lite
Collections and Enums Introduce common programming concept with Swift Keynote Slides
Error Handling and Closures Introduce common programming concept with Swift Keynote Slides
Structures, Classes, and Extensions Introduce common programming concept with Swift Keynote Slides
Protocols and misc OOP topics Introduce common programming concept with Swift Keynote Slides

iOS SDK Topics

Introduction to the Storyboard (with Calculator) Create outlet and actions in Storyboard Keynote Slides App Demo
View Geometry & Target-Action Controls Keynote Slides
iOS Human Interface Guidelines Keynote Slides Official Guidelines
Table View & Navigation Controller Introduction to Storyboard Segues, UINavigationController, and UITableViewController Keynote Slides Airports List (Sample Project)
Auto Layout & Adaptivity Introduction to Auto Layout and the Adaptivity model Keynote Slides Airports List (Sample Project)
App Structures Introduction to File System Structure of an iOS app. Keynote Slides

Developer Tools

Using Xcode Playground Keynote Slides
Reference to Documentations Keynote Slides
Using git and GitHub Keynote Slides
Using Cocoapods Keynote Slides

Introduction and Concept Topics

Introduction to Computer and Programming Introduction to how computer works. Including topics like CPU ISA, machine code, and assembly code, high-level programming language. Also storage and operating systems. Keynote Slides
How to start making an iOS app Quickly go through Apple's platforms and history. And the process from idea into apps. Keynote Slides


Book Store Deadline @ 2016 10/26 11:59 PM. Practice about Swift functions, collections, and optionals. Keynote Slides Book Store.playground
Calculator Deadline @ 2016 11/23 11:59 PM. Practice about Storyboard. Keynote Slides Calculator Demo (Simple Version)
MRT Stations Deadline @ 2016 12/28 11:59 PM. Practice about Table View and Navigation Controller Keynote Slides Resources

Class Announcements

Preface Keynote Slides